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Kanban Board

Kanban Cards

Kanban Cards can be tasks, features, bugs or issues. Each card displays key information on the card and more detailed information can be obtained by opening the task in the full editor view.

1 – Task Type

2 – Task identifier

3 – Intelligent Sorting

4 – Last Updated

5 – Priority

6 – Task Name

7 – Task Description

8 – Task Creator

9 – Assigned To

10 – Assign a User

11 – Due Date

12 – Percent Complete

13 – Hours worked

14 – Estimate

15 – Overdue

16 – Due Date and reminder

17 – Sprint Filter

18 – Recurring Task

19 – Status

Task Type

Set task types such as Task, Bug, Feature or Story.

Task identifier

The task identifier is an acronym for your project followed by a unique number. On other kanban views where tasks are shown from multiple projects, this will help identify which project the task belongs to.

Intelligent Sorting

TaskBlast uses an algorithm which evaluates various information such as due date, task size, priority etc. and it assigns a priority score based on this. This automatically pushes the most important issues to the top. If you prefer to sort just based on priority alone you can switch to standard sorting in settings > card sorting > priority sorting.

Last Updated

This displays the last time the task was updated or edited.


Urgent and High priority are displayed in a badge, normal and low are not. Also notice the card border matches the priority color. Red for urgent, Orange for high, green for normal and grey for low.

Task Name & Task Description

The task name and description. The title can be changed inline by clicking on it. When you create a task with quick task you can click on the description and add it inline. Once text or images have been previously added to a description you can no longer edit inline and need to open the full editor to edit the description. 

Task Creator

This shows the profile image of the person who created the task. Hover over the profile image to see their name.

Assigned To

Lists the users the tasks is assigned to, can contain multiple users.

Assign a User

Click to assign a user to the task. Add multiple users at once.

Due Date

The due date set on the issue.

Percent Complete

The percentage of work completed on an issue based on the hours worked and hours left.

Hours worked

The total hours worked so far and the total hours expected that will need to be worked.


The estimated hours of a task, often estimated before work begins. 


This icon appears when the due date has passed.

Due Date and reminder

When you hover over this icon, it displays both the due date and the alert date. When a card is toggled to compact mode the due date is not visible on the card so hovering over the icon reveals this information for users of compact cards.

Sprint Filter

When hovering over this icon, the sprint this card is tagged to will be revealed.

Recurring Task

You can set tasks to respawn every x days, weeks or months. Once this is set this icon will appear and if you hover over it will display more information.


You can set a status such as blocker, awaiting feedback or on hold. Once set the relevant icon will show.

Setting Attributes

One of the most useful features of the Kanban view is the ability to set common attributes quickly. The video below shows an example.

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