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The following is the list of enhancements and fixes that has been included in TaskBlast Web App recently. Please also find them within TaskBlast on What’s New section under Account Settings.

Release 1.11 (6/MAR/2021 – Current Version)

  • [TBT-678] Taskboard: Fixed and improved timer to make it more user friendly.
  • [TBT-601] DevOps: Improvements for client side .js and .css publishing.
  • [TBT-682] Taskboard: Fixed error with new tiles not using Alert Reminder.
  • [TBT-683] Taskboard: Fixed error generating new tiles History.
  • [TBT-684] Taskboard: Fixed error updating new tiles Priority.

Release 1.10 (16/FEB/2021)

  • [TBT-677] Settings: Fixed error when creating new user from Settings.
  • [TBT-603] Company: Fixed error when creating new user with Microsoft Authentication.
  • [TBT-577] Settings: Fixed error when user changes email address.
  • [TBT-601] Taskboard: Close Tag popup when deleting a Tag.
  • [TBT-602] Taskboard: Close Tag popup when clicking outside the Tag dialog.
  • [TBT-604] Setting: Fixed problem activating User menu when on Subscription page.
  • [TBT-576] Task Editor: Fixed changing task title from Task Editor was not updating task title correctly.
  • [TBT-351] GitHub integration: Fixed error when connecting with GitHub for Taskblast.com.
  • [TBT-352] Bitbucket integration: Fixed error when connecting with GitHub for Taskblast.com.
  • [TBT-322] Sidebar: Fixed error when saving Sprint Overview and Goals.
  • [TBT-585] Taskboard: Show current user company under user name in the taskboard.
  • [TBT-656] General: Reduced the amount of emails generated by the system with errors and warnings.
  • [TBT-584] Setting: Prevent subscription user from being deleted.
  • [TBT-417] Sidebar: Button to delete Sprints moved to the right end and not as the first button.
  • [TBT-666] Taskboard: Fixed error with undefined images for users.
  • [TBT-433] Taskboard: Fixed message when trying to delete a project.

Release 1.9 (26/OCT/2019)

  • [TBT-535] Taskboard: Subtasks can be sorted within a Task on the Task Editor.
  • [TBT-377] Taskboard: Fixed problem when changing Sprint Name, tasks get linked with no-Sprint.
  • [TBT-450] Gantt: Fixed problem where no filters were showing on the ‘Filter by Milestone'”.
  • [TBT-454] Sidebar: Fixed Source Control since it was not showing the Github and Bitbucket connection buttons correctly.
  • [TBT-496] Task Editor: Smart commits were not showing correctly on Commits tab.
  • [TBT-190] Settings: Fixed error when assigning a new user to a company, it wasn’t been redirected to assigned project.
  • [TBT-178] Gantt: Subtasks are now shown under their current parent Task as childs.
  • [TBT-497] Source Control: Fixed problem of duplicate comments when changing repository for Smart Commits.
  • [TBT-193] Settings: Fixed error when deleting a user from a Company.
  • [TBT-200] Gantt: Fixed task dependencies when clonning a project.

Release 1.8 (24/AUG/2019)

  • [TBT-237] Azure: Fixed Email Notifications problem on Azure version.
  • [TBT-287] Signup: Fixed error on text shown on footer.
  • [TBT-218] Slack: Fixed error with Slack connectivity.
  • [TBT-289] Azure: Changed all references from taskblast.net to taskblast.com.
  • [TBT-295] Azure: Fixed configuration problem with emails when signing up.
  • [TBT-298] Azure: Fixed problems sending emails.
  • [TBT-218] Azure: Fixed apperance of Slack textbox to send messages from the project.

Release 1.7 (08/JUN/2019)

  • [TBT-187] Subscriptions: Included integration with PayPal payment.
  • [TBT-189] Login/Signup: Added support for Google reCaptcha to avoid bots.
  • [TBT-198] Project Sidebar: Fixed problem where emails were not showing correctly.
  • [TBT-197] Task Editor: Added the possibility to highlight text with font color on Description and Comments.
  • [TBT-199] Taskboard: Included a button on header to turn on autorefresh in order to synchronize changes from other users.
  • [TBT-164] Gantt: Fixed problem when moving tasks to Sprints to align start date of task with Sprint.
  • [TBT-191] Taskboard: Fixed the possibility for Clients to create new projects.
  • [TBT-192] Account Settings: Now is possible to see what projects are users assigned to.
  • [TBT-194] Subscriptions: Now Client users cannot see subscription details for the Company.
  • [TBT-195] Subscriptions: If subscription expired, now is possible to edit or remove users from the company.

Release 1.6 (04/MAY/2019)

  • [TBT-148] Listview: Now the Add Task is shown if there are no Tasks listed.
  • [TBT-154] Sidebar-Progress: Added possiblity to enter ageneral overview or description for Milestones and Sprints.
  • [TBT-156] Account Settings: Added some labels to clarify on Privacy Policy and Billing Enquiries.
  • [TBT-159] General: Assigning a Quick Tag now closes the popup once the tag is linked with the Task.
  • [TBT-161] Sidebar-Project Settings: It is possible now to configure how Email Blast are handled by the system.
  • [TBT-165] Gantt view: Fixed issue when 2ble clicking on Project Bar.
  • [TBT-166] Task Editor: Comment replies now only shown below the original comment.
  • [TBT-167] Task Editor: Only one level of Subtasks are allowed (no Subtasks of Subtasks).
  • [TBT-168] Listview: Now Tasks created on Listview are shown on Project Taskboard.
  • [TBT-169] Gantt view: Now Sprints can be assigned to Milestones by dragging and dropping.
  • [TBT-171] Gantt view: Assigning Taks to Sprints is now more friendly, showing where the drop will occur.
  • [TBT-172] ListView: Added the possibility to filter list and grouping by Milestones.
  • [TBT-173] Gantt view: Tasks deleted on Task Editor now removed from Gantt Tasks.
  • [TBT-174] Gantt view: Tasks completed on Task Editor now show 100% completed on Gantt Tasks.
  • [TBT-175] Listview: Now the Listview shows No-Sprint Tasks.
  • [TBT-176] Listview: Fixed problem where the list were not showing all project Tasks.
  • [TBT-177] Gantt view: Fixed issue with tasks showing on No-Sprint section.

Release 1.5.14 (31/MAR/2019)

  • [TBT-068] System header: Removed popup help button from system header since it is already on Account Settings.
  • [TBT-007] Subscriptions: New payment gateway integration that let users manage their payments and subscription.
  • [TBT-155] Task Editor: Now the system asks for confirmation when Description or Comments not saved and Esc key was pressed.
  • [TBT-133] Alerts and Reminders popup: It is now possible to save events for external calendars from Task Dates.
  • [TBT-132] Gantt view: Now the system opens the Task Editor when clicking on Tasks.
  • [TBT-128] Gantt view: It is now possible to create Subtasks as Task child from the Gantt view.
  • [TBT-125] Gantt view: Now Milestones can be created by pressing the plus sign next to Project.
  • [TBT-126] Gantt view: Now Sprints can be created by pressing the plus sign next to Milestones.
  • [TBT-130] Gantt view: Now dates are not editable for Projects or Milestones since they are calculated.
  • [TBT-129] Gantt view: Fixed issue when moving Task backwards (to the left) since it was not updating parent Start Date.
  • [TBT-127] Gantt view: Fixed some issues when creating new Tasks. Tasks were not showing properly until Gantt view refresh.
  • [TBT-118] Task Editor: Fixed problem when saving Release Info Notes, since the system was not refreshing properly.
  • [TBT-135] Subtask list: Fixed overlapping problem when showing long Task names.
  • [TBT-150] Listview: Fixed some issues when assigning tags. New Tags were not linked to Tasks until Listview was refreshed.
  • [TBT-124] Task Editor: Fixed issue when moving a Task to another project, the system did not ask for all required parameters.

Release 1.5.13 (16/FEB/2019)

  • [TBT-110] Sidebar: Added Project Settings tab on Sidebar. This will help having project settings in a single place.
  • [TBT-099] Slack Integration: Added some improvements and fixes on Slack Comments tab on the Sidebar.
  • [TBT-109] Sidebar: On new Project Settings tab, addesd the possibility to let non task owners to edit task description.

Release 1.5.12 (26/JAN/2019)

  • [TBT-080] Reports: New Release Notes report to gather release info from completed Tasks on a Release.
  • [TBT-082] Project Sidebar: Drag and Drop sprints to move them between milestones or change its order.
  • [TBT-074] General: Minor UI fixes and adjustments.
  • [TBT-097] General: When selecting a project on Kanban view, select it as the default project for other views.
  • [TBT-085] Sidebar: Fixed problem when pressing Escape Key to close the sidebar to close all open popups.
  • [TBT-086] Sprint Editor: When creating a new Sprint, suggest start and end date according with previous Sprint.
  • [TBT-098] Taskboard: Fixed popup help when editing Task hours (Actual Hours popup).

Release 1.5.11 (5/JAN/2019)

  • [TBT-059] Schedule View: Fixed issue when creating new tasks on Schedule View.
  • [TBT-050] Task Editor: Added Tabs on Task Editor to better arrange information.
  • [TBT-058] Taskboard: Fixed error when click on plus sign to add lane name.
  • [TBT-024] Account Settings: Added close button on Account Settings options.
  • [TBT-040] General: Standarize on the use of “Task” instead of “Card” or “Tile” accross the entire system.
  • [TBT-054] Taskboard: Lane title was showing misplaced at certain conditions.
  • [TBT-070] Fixed GIT issue with Blog site.
  • [TBT-003] Creation of new project with default lanes: Backlog, In Progress and In Testing (Closed lane already exists).
  • [TBT-039] More compact Tasks cards when on Compact View.
  • [TBT-043] Relocation of “Mark as completed” button on Tasks.
  • [TBT-045] Changed confirmation message when deleting a Task.
  • [TBT-046] Fixed freezing error when deleting a task.
  • [TBT-049] Added Release Notes field for tasks on Task Editor.

Release 1.5.10 (8/DEC/2018)

  • [TBT-031] Taskboard: Single click on some quick option selections.
  • [TBT-042] Taskboard: Bug icon now shown in red on tasks.
  • [TBT-035] Task Editor: Task title name on Task Editor enlarged.
  • [TBT-030] Releases: Standarize name Release instead of Version.
  • [TBT-029] Task Editor: Pressing Esc key closes the editor.
  • [TBT-023] General: Now clicking on logo redirects to main site to access system related information.
  • [TBT-052] General: Christmas icon added next to the logo.
  • [TBT-018] General: Changed some lables and tooltips to standarize on names.
  • [TBT-001] Projects: Limit project acronym to only 3 chars.
  • [TBT-047] Task Editor: Fixed issue when changing user picture.
  • [TBT-005] Projects: Fixed issue with refreshing when creating new project.
  • [TBT-013] Filtering: Fixed issue with “Select filter” allowing words not for searching.
  • [TBT-028] Sprints: Fixed issue when changing Sprint dates in different time zones.
  • [TBT-051] Releases: Fixed problem when selecting new Releases from the menu.
  • [TBT-032] [TBT-54] Main Menu: Fixed refreshing issue when clicking between 2 menu options.
  • [TBT-041] Project Sidebar: Fixed taskboard refresh when closing the project sidebar.


  • Releases: Added option to edit releases title.
  • General: Fixed issue with @user mention script sometimes showing double name e.g. jo@joe dillon instead of just joe dillon.
  • General: Improved UI and usability of the new sorting options for project selection.
  • Gantt: You can now drag sprints in the gantt view and it will automatically update the sprint start and end dates.
  • Kanban: You can now search for an issue by typing in the issue number or issue code eg. TAS-142 or 142.
  • Kanban: TaskBlast now prevents you deleting a task with time tracked. To remove it first delete the time tracked.
  • Kanban: Fixed issues where sometimes the list view showed Kanban and vice versa.
  • List View: Resolved issue with filters not clearing when switching projects.
  • List View: Added slack notifications to the list view when creating and closing tasks.
  • Overview: Fixed padding and UI issue recently introduced to the project panels.
  • Sprints: Added ability to archive sprints.

Release 1.5.9

  • General: Added full audit trail of changes to tasks including what it was changed from and to.
  • General: Fixed positioning on the what’s new notification bubble.
  • General: Improved UI and usability of the new sorting options for project selection.
  • Gantt: You can now drag sprints in the gantt view and it will automatically update the sprint start and end dates.
  • Kanban: You can now search for an issue by typing in the issue number or issue code eg. TAS-142 or 142.
  • Kanban: TaskBlast now prevents you deleting a task with time tracked. To remove it first delete the time tracked.
  • Kanban: Fixed issues where sometimes the list view showed Kanban and vice versa.
  • List View: Resolved issue with filters not clearing when switching projects.
  • List View: Added slack notifications to the list view when creating and closing tasks.
  • Overview: Fixed padding and UI issue recently introduced to the project panels.
  • Sprints: Added ability to archive sprints.

Release 1.5.8

  • List View: Move issues between sections in the list view by grabbing the move icon on the far left and dragging and dropping it to a new category.
  • List View: Create tasks within the list view. In the scenario where multiple projects are selected you must specify the project. Tasks will automatically be created in the backlog.
  • List View: Added a new group called sublanes which shows issues grouped into your kanban sublanes. Please note this only works when one project is selected.
  • List View: Added option to select all or select none in the project dropdown, this will also be applied to the schedule views soon. The list view will also have a new option to sort alphabetically soon too.
  • List View: When updating an issue in the list view or the editor the information is updated immediately on the list view.
  • List View: When one project is selected the sidebar will now show on the list view.
  • List View: The list view now allows you to sort issues within each category.
  • Sorting: Resolved issue with some missing releases on the release view.
  • Sorting: Added an option to sort tasks based on their bug number.
  • Sprints: The sprint popup now shows a scrollbar when the number of sprints grows.
  • Releases – The last 2 archived releases show in the releases popup at the bottom greyed out.
  • Project Selection – you can now sort projects alphabetically as well as most recent.
  • Grammarly – Grammarly was causing an annoying bug where it would jump the cursor in the editor, disabled the extension until they fix the bug on their end.
  • Filters – Fixed an issue with the created date filter not working correctly when choosing today.
  • Top Menu – Fixed an issue that caused the top menu dropdowns to display under the sidebar when it was open.
  • External Issue View – Added lane and sublane data.
  • Cookies – Forces logout if cookie expires preventing a situation where you create a task on an expired cookie and lose the submitted data.
  • Editor – Editor now allows 4 levels deep of replies on comments.
  • Editor – Moved show more to left side and made it a more visible button.

Release 1.5.7

  • List View Beta: The list view is a new alternative to the Kanban view. When fully completed it will allow you to group multiple projects (or a single project) by project, version, sprint, user or tag. It is significantly faster while still retaining the functionality of the Kanban View to quickly see and update information directly from the view. Right now you can select multiple projects and filter by version and sprint and open issues however there is a lot more functionality to add. Over the next couple of days we will be completing the functionality of the other filters, making the view update instantly when you edit any attributes in the editor, add sorting options and improve on various UI issues.
  • Moved “show more” in the editor to the left side and converted to a button to make it more visible when a description or comment has additional text.
  • Fixed an issue preventing emailed tasks to the blast lane from being moved.

Release 1.5.6

  • Global Time: You can now create a new task from the timer in any project and begin tracking time immediately without the need to switch projects. Just click the + icon beside the timer.
  • Reports: The time tracking report now remembers the last filter state.
  • Reports: Improved the sorting on the time tracking report so all tasks are shown chronologically.

Release 1.5.5

  • Email Notifications: Fixed issue with email notifications getting merged and also large images breaking the view.
  • Editor: Attachments is now expanded by default so all files are revealed without needing to expand
  • Editor: Download all attachments button allows you download all your attachments in one go.
  • Editor: Fixed attachments open in new window, now they open in a lightbox view.
  • Global Timer: Switch between just showing assigned tasks and all tasks.
  • Global Timer: Added ability to edit the clocked time when submitting your time via the global timer.
  • Global Timer: Last 5 clocked issues are displayed first followed by the most recent assigned issues.
  • Global Timer: Last 5 clocked issues can be edited from the dropdown, hover over until you see the edit and delete icons.
  • Time Tracking Tab: You can now search for tasks.
  • Time Tracking Tab: Switch between showing your assigned tasks and all tasks. (click on filter dropdown top right)
  • Time Tracking Tab: Hours clocked now filters based on the date and other filters.
  • Time Tracking Tab: It will now remember the last filter set.
  • Time Tracking Report: Users and Tasks view now sorts showing the latest clocked time at the top.

Release 1.5.4

  • Releases & Schedule Views: Added sort by project option
  • Releases: Improved slow load after completing release
  • Bitbucket: Fixed connection problem

Release 1.5.3

  • Mentions is now implemented, it works in description or comments and also in the taskblast comment tab. When you add a mention like @joebloggs it will send an email referencing the comment and providing a link to that comment to review.
  • Sorting options is now implemented. Sorting options on the Kanban including sorting by priority, created, updated date, estimates, hours clocked, hours left and alphabetically. In the next release we will also have a sort by project option in the releases section too.
  • Fixed Shared internal task links not allowing you to close the editor window.
  • TaskBlast now prevents deleting a sublane when there is one or more tasks in it.
  • Set your default lane and sublane layout for new projects. Go to settings, choose which project you want to use as your template under the project settings section in account settings and all new projects will follow this template.
  • Set your default sprint layout for new projects. Go to settings, choose which project you want to use as your template under the project settings section in account settings and all new projects will use this template for sprints and milestones.
  • When cloning a project it now also clones the milestones and sprints including the sprint tag on each task.

Release 1.5.2

  • Set permissions on which types of users can delete tasks. To set this go to Settings > Account Settings & set the users who should have permission to delete tasks. Only super admins can set the permissions.
  • You can now filter the Kanban view by release version. There is a dropdown next to the sprint dropdown on the kanban. Choose a specific release or choose no release set. When a release filter is set, any new tasks created will be automatically tagged to that release.
  • Fixed an issue where the previous comment was added to submitted time if no comment was written.
  • Fixed an issue with the title getting cutoff in some scenarios.
  • Version name is now shown in the editor view.
  • Releases view now sends slack notifications when you archive a release.
  • Archived releases no longer show in the releases popup.

Release 1.5.1

  • When cloning a kanban project, it now also clones any links setup between the kanban and releases.
  • TaskBlast now remembers the collapse/fold state of any lane on the kanban.
  • Improvements to horizontal and left/right key horizontal scroll feature.

Release 1.5.0

  • Fixed – Cannot reset password if you signed up with google auth, now displays an error
  • Horizontal Scroll – You can now use horizontal scroll with either your scrollwheel mouse button or by using the left/right arrow.
  • Releases View – You can now sync sublanes to lanes in releases. This will ensure when you move a task on the kanban view it also moves on the releases view avoiding having to move the task twice. Please see this help article for more details.
  • Fixed issue with slack integration not working on cloned projects.
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